Player Index Cards

Playstyle Cards

P01 - Classic No.10 (AM) (Offensive)
An old-style static playmaker who makes use of deft touches and passes rather than pace or movement.

P02 – Anchor Man (DM, CM) (Defensive)
A deep sitting defensive midfielder protecting the back line.

P03 – Trickster (RB, LB, RMF, LMF, AM, RWF, LWF, SS) (Offensive)
A skilled dribbler who uses the step-over to great effect in wizarding past the opposition.

P04 – Darting Run (RB, LB, RMF, LMF, AM, RWF, LWF, SS) (Offensive)
A pacey player who likes to get forward.

P05 – Mazing Run (RB, LB, RMF, LMF, AM, RWF, LWF, SS) (Offensive)
A great dribbler whose quick turns and dummies are a handful for any defence.

P06 – Pinpoint Pass (SW, CB, RB, LB, DM, CM) (Offensive)
A long ball expert who can play quality passes from deep.

P07 – Early Cross (RB, LB, CM, RMF, LMF, AM, RWF, LWF (Offensive)
A player with great vision who won't miss the chance to hit an early cross.

P08 – Box to Box (DM, CM, RMF, LMF, AM) (Offensive)
The indefatigable all-action player covering every blade of grass for the full 90.

P09 – Incisive Run (RB, LB, RMF, LMF, AM, RWF, LWF, SS) (Offensive)
A dribbler whose expertise is to cut in from the wide areas looking for goal scoring opportunities.

P10 – Long Ranger (SW, CB, RB, LB, DM, CM, RMF, LMF, AM, SS) (Offensive)
A player who needs no invitation to shoot and will always try to create space for a shot.

P11 – Enforcer (DM, CM) (Defensive)
A tough combative player whose sole purpose is to keep the opposition attack in check.

P12 – Goal Poacher (SS, CF) (Offensive)
A predatory striker who plays off the shoulders of the last defender.

P13 – Dummy Runner (SS, CF) (Offensive)
A player who attracts the defence to create space for other players to exploit.

P14 – Free Roaming (CM, RMF, LMF, AM, SS) (Offensive)
A player with a keen eye for goal who surges forward at any given opportunity.

P15 – Talisman (CM, RMF, LMF, AM) (Offensive)
The talisman who can drive the entire team forward.

P16 – Fox in the Box (CF) (Offensive)
A striker who lurks in the opposition 18 yard box just waiting for the ball.

P17 – Offensive Fullback (LB, RB, CB) (Offensive) - NEW
A Defender who likes to join in the attack and lay siege on the opposition goal at every given opportunity.

P18 – Track Back (SS, CF) (Defensive)
A forward who likes to track back and help out the defence.

Skill Cards

S01 – 1-touch play
Improves the player’s first touch when passing and shooting.

S02 – Outside Curve
Improves touch when using the outside of the foot.

S03 – Long throw
Improves the range on long throws.

S04 – Super-Sub
Improves player’s abilities when introduced late in the game.

S05 – Speed Merchant
Enables Special High Speed Turns.

S06 – Long Range Drive - NEW
A player who can hit some wicked dipping shots from far out. A real nightmare for goalkeepers.

S07 - Shoulder Feint Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the Matthews Feint and the Upper Body Feint.

S08 - Turning Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the Cross Over Turn.

S09 – Roulette Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the Marseille Roulette or the One-footed Roulette.

S10 – Flip Flap Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the Flip Flap or Reverse Flip Flap.

S11 – Scissors Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the Step Over Techniques including Step Over Dummy and Reverse Step Over Dummy.

S12 – Flicking Skills
Improves technique and precision when Lifting the Ball or executing the Rainbow Flick.

S13 – Step On Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the L Feint, Drag Back Turn, Drag Back, Backheel Feint or when taking touches with the sole of your foot.

S14 – Side Stepping Skills
Improves technique and precision when executing the Sideway Dribble, Sideway Scissors and Sideway Step Over.

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this is from PES2011 but most of them are matching with 2013